Monday, February 23, 2009

Friday, January 09, 2009

Swing test, January 8th, 2009

I enjoyed the training very much. My swing test result:

420 swing @12kg 10:00

After my long resting period, I've no problem with the trainings. I feel more power. :)


Snatch test, January 6th, 2009

200 snatch @8kg 07:12

175 snatch @24kg 10:00

Monday, January 05, 2009

Training log: January 5th, 2009

5*20 front squat @8kg
3*8 crush curl with killer rope @8kg
3*8 french press @8kg
3*(10-10)l,r floor wiper @8kg


30sec-ladder @24kg:
30sec two handed swing
30sec rest
30sec deadlift + 30sec two handed swing
30sec rest
30sec front squat + 30sec deadlift + 30sec two handed swing
30sec rest
30sec clean&press (weaker arm) + 30sec clean&press (stronger arm) + 30sec front squat + 30sec deadlift + 30sec two handed swing
30sec rest
30sec snatch (weaker arm) + 30sec snatch (stronger arm) + 30sec clean&press (weaker arm) + 30sec clean&press (stronger arm) + 30sec front squat + 30sec deadlift + 30sec two handed swing
1min rest and start again


Saturday, January 03, 2009

Training log: January 3rd, 2009

1*5 bottom up clean&press ladder @16kg
10 ab wheel
5*(3-3)l,r military press @24kg
10 ab wheel
1*5 bottom up clean&press ladder @16kg
10 ab wheel
5*(3-3)l,r military press @24kg
10 ab wheel
1*5 bottom up clean&press ladder @16kg
10 ab wheel
10-10l,r halo @24kg

Summary: 75-75l,r press.


Friday, January 02, 2009

No rest :)

We continued our short but effective trainings:

two handed swing, 30sec/30sec, 10 sets, 20swing/sets @32kg
3*(5 french press + 5 crush curl with killer rope) @16kg
10-10l,r halo @24kg
3*10 ab wheel


two handed swing, 30sec/30sec, 10 sets, (6*22+3*23+1*24)swing @8kg
3*(5 french press + 5 crush curl) @8kg
10-10l,r halo @8kg


Training log: January 1st, 2009

After two months resting I started the training again.

10 rounds:
10 deadlift @24kg
10 two handed swing @16kg
10 squat @8kg

Summary: 300 reps under 17 minutes. Rest was little.


I had a similar training. The plan was: "Complete as many rounds as possible 20 minutes of:" training. The drills: deadlift, squat, floor press and the 32kg kettlebell. The floor press was heavy and I changed it after two rounds to the two arm swing.

20mins work:
2 rounds:
10 deadlift @32kg
5 squat @32kg
5-5l,r floor press @32kg
6 rounds:
10 deadlift @32kg
5 squat @32kg
10 two handed swing @32kg

3*10 ab wheel
